How to combine the advantages of pike tubes and streamers

Today, pike flies tied on tubes are very popular. You can tie them as long as you want without the levering effect of long hook shanks, which often causes lost fish. If the fish is hooked, the tube and the hook separates.


If the hook point is dull, you don’t have to throw the whole expensive pike fly into the trash. You just remove the hook. So, you can fish your pike tubes a very long time.

Then again, there are some disadvantages. It takes more time to change the fly, because the rigging is more complicated. The tube fly swims straight through the water, without strong jigging up and down or jerks from side to side. You can put a heavy conehead on the leader, but it’s still more a wave movement than a true jigging.

So, what if you could combine the advantages of normal pike flies and pike tubes without big effort? Would be cool, right?

Well, it’s super simpel! Just use the „Lachmann Pike Rig“! ;-)



It’s just an flexible extension for the hook. You need a ordinary bite wire with around 10 kg breaking strength (around 20 lbs) and two sleeves,  special sleeve pliers and a little bit power in your hands. It takes you about 60 seconds to make one. Just meassure the length of the tube, so the front loop just comes out of the front of the tube.

One important thing: You need to tie on tubes with a big diameter, so the extension fits through it. Eumer pike tubes hard in XL work fine, for example.


Attach your normal bite wire with a snap to the tube and you’ve got a connection like with a normal hook eye, but you can change hook sizes easily or replace dull hooks.


If you weighted your tube flies, they will jig, if you tie them with a flat big head, the will jerk from side to side. All what you want from a good pike fly.


Just give this „rig“ a try and make your own experiences!

I wish everybody an awesome pike season! Tight lines!

2 Gedanken zu „How to combine the advantages of pike tubes and streamers

  1. If you tie a tube fly that is supposed to jerk, how do you keep it so it stays up right? I tied some but they tend to swim on its side.

  2. Your either add enough weight to the hook to make the fly keel properly, add weight to the bottom of the tube itself, tie less material in on the bottom of the fly, or use a heavier gauge wire.

    Another key point is that if you have a lot of line twist, this can cause the fly to roll. A good trick is to use a snap and swivel, add a swivel further up the leader, or role the rod in occasion to get the love twist out

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