Fly Tier’s Little Helper – Part 4 – Dubbing Needle Deluxe

IMG_6014-1Every fly tier needs a dubbing needle. There’s a wide range of uses, like picking out dubbing, to apply varnish, uv resin, epoxy, for splitting materials…

You can use cheap ones for just some cents, they’ll maybe work. You can make one by yourself, or you got an awesome friend like master tier André Miegies from the Netherlands. :-)

André is a very good craftsman and he made me this awesome dubbing needle. It’s not just a dubbing needle, it’s also a bucktail reverse tool. At the end is a recess, so you can use the dubbing needle to push back bucktail when you tie Hollow Flies, Pike Tubes or big Streamer. Works awesome!

The dubbing needle looks in reality even better, than on the pictures! The brighter parts are shimmering like mother or pearl. So nice! I really love it and I will use it for many, many years!

If you also want such a beautiful dubbing needle, you can ask André to make one for you, too. The possibilities of color and shape are almost endless.

Just visit his homepage  

Or write him an e-mail or visit his Facebook page

Thanks a lot André! I really appreciate your skills! The next beer is on me! :-)

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