Fly Tier’s Little Helper – Part 3 – Flea Comb

Here’s the third part of „Fly Tier’s Little Helper“. I will show you things, which I’ve used since some years and which helped me tying my flies or organize my tying place.

The flea comp is a very important tool on my tying desk and I use it a lot. I often see, that many people doesn’t prepare their tying material before they tie it in. The result is a fly which looks… let’s say crumpled. Almost every hair, natural or synthetic should be combed.

fox hair before and after combing

fox hair before and after combing

It’s for example also very usefull to comb out the under wool of deer hair.

IMG_5432 (Medium)

Even for fast smaller dubbing mixes I use the flea comb. You can see it here in this video:

[vimeo width=“600″ height=“500″][/vimeo]


In my pike streamer box is also a flea comb. Sometimes pike flies made with natural hair become felted after fishing and the attack of some fish. Let them dry and then use your flea comb. After using it, the flies will look almost like new.

You can get a flea comb in every pet shop for usually something around 5,- Euro. A great tool on your tying desk, which you will love after a short while.

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