A little tie from this morning. A Klinkhamer-style pattern with a wing post of CDC. The body is a mix of three different dubbings including Alpaka, a bit of flash and some synthetic dubbing twisted for a slim, tight body. I used a Daiichi D 1160 Klinkhamer hook # 12.
Archiv der Kategorie: Dry Flies
morning tie
Some food for trout and grayling
Flies from the vise in last time
…waiting for the trouts…
I tied a lot of bigger patterns in the last couple of weeks like streamers, pike flies, tube flies, flies for seatrout, etc. ….
This is the first smaller pattern I tied since a long time. Just can’t wait to fish with a light rod for trout and grayling again, but I still have to wait some month… enough time to fill my fly boxes with fresh nymphs, dries and emerger.
For this one I used the following materials:
- striped peacock quill coated with Bug Bond
- natural cdc wing post
- yellow and brown cdc hackle
- alpaka dubbing for the thorax
- tied on a 1167 Daiichi # 14
Tying after walking in the cold
At noon, I decided to do a little walk next to my home river Weser. It was – 7°C and it was snowing. A lot of ice floes were drifting down the river. It looks pretty impressive. I passed a little creek which flow into the Weser and my thoughts were flying into the future summer month, where hungry trout and grayling were rising constantly….
Back home I tied some quick dry flies size 12 with duo colored CDC wings and quill bodies, secured with uv-resin. Looking at these little creatures, I can’t await casting a dry fly to a rising fish again….