Fuzzy May Fly Nymph

Today, I was playing around in the laboratory with uv resin and different powder. Just for fun, just to get new ideas. I got a two toned belly in my mind. After some testing, this little guy was born. Pretty simple, but with a little touch of finesse. It reminds me of a jelly bean, so the name was pretty simple – Jelly Bean Zonker 😉
It’s important to use a wide gap hook, so the @ahrexhooks NS122 Light Stinger size 6 was perfect for this little guy. I could imagine, that sea trout, browntrout and chub will like it. Hopefully! :-D
A streamer pattern which I really like. You don’t need fancy stuff for these. A good hook, I used Ahrex Light Stinger size 4, high quality zonker strips, fluoro fibre for the hot spot, a nice dubbing mix of your choise, some rabbit or marabou for the collar and pretty eyes. To secure the eyes, I use super glue and Bug Bond. I often put some weight in the front of the hook, to balance the hook, or to give the streamer a jigging effect.
I don’t know, when I’ve tied a small fly for the last time…must be months ago… the hands are a bit stiff, but I guess after some flies, it will be better…hopefully. :-)
This emerger was tied on a Daiichi 1130 # 14. Some Bug Bond Lite on a Polish Quill for the abdomen, Petitjean CDC and dubbing for the thorax and some Partridge as legs.
I’ve tied a Burner streamer on an AHREX Curved Gammarus #6 and it looks goooooooood! ; – )
Some time ago, I made a step by step tutorial about this streamer. You can find it here: https://theonefly.com/?p=3094