Fuzzy May Fly Nymph

Is it a wetfly? Is it a nymph? Is it a flymph? – It’s CAPTAIN FUZZYBUG!
Sometimes trout like flies, which are presented actively. That happend to me the last time at the river. Dead drift was not what they liked. The „Leisenring Lift“ brought fish and wet fly swing with a little bit shaking.
Normal wetflies often fish to high in the water, especially in spring, when the water is still very cold and the fish are not willing to rise. CAPTAIN FUZZYBUG is weighted and swings deeper in the water column.
The mix of partridge, hare’s ear, ice dub, tinsel and CDC gives this fly the fuzziness and the trouts the illusion of something eatable. It’s a „in case of“-fly which produces takes even if the normal patterns won’t work.
It’s also not complicated to tie, so tie 3-4 and put them in your fly box. You’ll never know when you’ll need the help of CAPTAIN FUZZYBUG! ;-)
To be honest, I’m not a fan of czech nymphing. I just love to cast with a flyrod. Czech nymphing is super effectiv, no doubt about that. It’s just too less casting for my liking… ;-)
The Czech Nymphs on the other hand are pretty cool flies. I didn’t fish them much in the past, but I want to try them in the next season, especially the ones with a little hot spot. This is quite hard for me, because I got a lot more faith in natural colors. Maybe I was wrong all the time, we’ll see….
Czech Nymphs should be weighted AND as slim as possible to sink fast. That’s not the easiest task. You have to find the right amount of dubbing. Less is more!
I look forward testing them in a nice stream for trout and grayling. :-)