A Klinkhamer version with grayling in mind using light pink uv ribbing on size 12.
Tungsten Bead Caddis Pupa. This Pupa looks quite natural, but it is not to complicated to tie.
Sometimes, I tie flies without a special purpose. I just think „I want to tie a fly, maybe an emerger would be cool.“ I open some drawers and take a look at my hooks, thinking how the fly (or in this case the ermerger) could look like. Then, I’m thinking about the tail, the ribbing, the abdomen, …., step by step until the fly is finished. I believe when you go this way, you often try something different and that’s the way you improve your skills and knowledge. There are errors, of course, but even errrors improve your knowledge.
A short example: You are sitting in front of your vise and you’ve tied a beautiful mayfly with awesome natural foil wings. Looking really good. You go to the river with the beautiful winged mayfly on the end of your leader. You do the first cast and….. the wings made a propeller out of your fly. Impossible to cast, impossible to fish. The leader is totally twisted after just one cast. Error. You’ve learned something, next time, you will tie your fly different and so you improve your knowledge.
I tied this emerger on a D1160 Daiichi Klinkhammer hook and gave it a nice fancy look for the abdomen. Great fly for grayling on cloudy days with not to much light.
In my home river are not many trouts. It’s more a river of „coarse fish“ how the english would say. But the nymphing for chubs is really fun. They are not easy to catch. Often I think they are harder to catch then trout.The good thing about chubs is their size. They are much bigger than the average trout.
In the last time, I discovered, that the chubs love nymphs with an orange hot spot. So I tied some and I caught some really nice chubs, which you can see in the posts of the last days.
Alex Keus from FLYBEI Fly Fishing School and Guide Service said to me, that I should tie a „FLYBEI-Nymph“. I asked how it should look like and he just answered „Surprise me!“.
I know that he’s great in modern nymph techniques, so it has to be a Hanak hook and a little 3mm tungsten bead. Then I remembered, that we once talked about the dubbing I recently bought and he said I’d forgetten to buy the best – the blue one! Ok, he likes blue… time to use the blue Polish Quills. I’ve never used this color before. Just a little Coq de Leon tail and some Peacock Dubbing and the fly is finished. He likes simple nymphs, which sinks extremly fast, so no legs or fancy CDC on this nymph, which slows down the sinking speed of the fly. I hope he likes it! ;-)
I didn’t tie a cased caddis since a looooooooooong time, but the nice flies of my buddy Thomas inspired me to think about a new pattern. To be honest, this is a mean fly because of the two tungsten beads. It sinks really fast. The case is secured with Bug Bond Lite, so it’s super durable and hard as the original. I will tie some more with less weight and different weight balances…