Articulated Pike Streamer

Got some new cool materials for testing! Main topic: PIKE!

I will do some „a closer look at…“ in the near future. Here is the first fly I’ve tied with some of the materials. A big, but very lightweight articulated pike fly. Even if it looks very big, it’s not as hard to cast as you might imagine.


Fancy Emerger Bodies

I just love these sexy bodies. Easy to tie and the result is awesome.




Loop Wing Emerger #14

I tied this emerger on a D1160 Daiichi Klinkhammer hook and gave it a nice fancy look for the abdomen. Great fly for grayling on cloudy days with not to much light. IMG_6497-1-4

Craft Fur Sandeels


Some weighted sandeels made with Craft Fur # 4 for sea trout.


  • Hook: Gamakatsu F 314 # 4
  • Weight: Lead Wire
  • Thread: Mono
  • Body: Craft Fur white, gray and olive
  • Flash: Angelhair ice and pearl
  • Eyes: Flat stick on eyes
  • Resin: Bug Bond Original and Lite
  • Coloration: Marker Pen

THE BURNER „Saltwater Edition“


A Burner tied on a Tiemco 811s saltwater hook #2. You can find the step by step tutorial here: BURNER STEP BY STEP

Wet Fly „Struppi“

I’m not a wet fly guy. If I remember right, I fished wet flies less than 10 times in more than 20 years of fly fishing. I don’t know why, but it was not „my style“. I prefered more natural looking patterns like CDC dries, nymphs and emerger. I know, that wet flies are catching a lot of fish and some also imitate insects like stillborns or drowning duns, but…. I just don’t like to fish them. That’s also the reason, why I don’t have much experience in tying wet flies. I tied less than 12 classical wet flies in my life.

This year I’ll promised myself to give them more often a chance. That means, that I have also to learn to tie them. Most important, I have to know the materials, especially the feathers for the wings and how they react, when you tie them in.

„Struppi“ is one of the first wet flies. It’s kind a freestyle march brown. It’s not a „pretty“ fly, but looks very fishy. I mixed a little bit of Ice Dub into the Hare’s Ear Dubbing and so there are some light reflexes in the body. I ribbed it with mono and the tail and the front hackle is made from partridge. For the wing, I’ve used mottled turkey. As hook I choosed a Kamasan B 405 # 12.

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Orange Struppi

Orange Struppi

Yellow Struppi


Last flies for 2014

I finished the last flies for 2014 this morning, five sculpins # 6.

I wish everyone a great party and all the best for 2015! I thank you all for the nice comments, emails and support during the whole year! See you in 2015! Tight lines!



Olive Sculpins

Four olive sculpins # 6 weighted with a tungsten bead in the front and again is the head secured with Bug Bond Lite.

Not many materials are used for this sculpin pattern:

  • Hook: Gamakatsu F 314 # 6
  • Weight: Black Tungsten Bead
  • Ribbing: Mono:
  • Dubbing: Olive-Brown with some Ice Dubbung
  • Zonker: Black Barred Olive
  • Deer Hair: Olive/Black/Brown
  • Eyes: 3-D Eyes
  • Resin: Bug Bond Lite


Zonker Streamer

Three Zonker Streamer # 6. A hook, small Fish Skull, mono for ribbing, dubbing, zonker, some marabou and thread. You don’t need more for a good streamer with awesome movement in the water. You can fish it down and dirty where the big fish are and you don’t have to be afraid to loose your precious streamer, because you can tie some new – easy like 1-2-3….almost ;-) 20141209_131339-1

Playing With Colors

From time to time, I love to tie tube flies. Here, you can be very creative and play with colors. This tube got four wings (red, yellow, blue and black) and is weighted in the body. It’s not a show fly, it’s a real fishing fly. The head is made with Bug Bond. IMG_4992-1 (Large)