Schlagwort-Archive: Bug Bond
Frankenstein was an amateur !
…the finished fly…
Craft Fur Sandeels with and without lateral lines
Articulated Pike Streamer
Fire Tiger
Pupa Time
A little Baitfish for Sea Trouts
Fire Tiger Sandeel 14cm
Fancy Emerger Bodies
Loop Wing Emerger #14
I tied this emerger on a D1160 Daiichi Klinkhammer hook and gave it a nice fancy look for the abdomen. Great fly for grayling on cloudy days with not to much light.
Salmon Tube Flies
Craft Fur Sandeels
ASPINATOR modified for Sea Bass
I was asked to tie some flies for Sea Bass and I thought, I modify the ASPINATOR a little bit with some bucktail mixed with arctic fox for the tail and a Tiemco 8111s saltwater hook # 2. I really like this one! I bet it’s tasty! :-)
THE BURNER „Saltwater Edition“
A Burner tied on a Tiemco 811s saltwater hook #2. You can find the step by step tutorial here: BURNER STEP BY STEP